Pre-conference short courses for half- or full day are invited for visualisation systems, methods, application areas and other related fields. Tutorials will take place prior to the conference. Proposals should identify the level of proficiencies expected from participants at a beginner, intermediate, or advanced levels. You should include:
- Abstract of the topic (suitable for publicity purposes)
- Brief description of tutorial organisation
- Time allocation for major areas, the duration,
- Level of tutorials
- Brief biography (100 words or less) and the contact details of the instructors.
Course proposals will be evaluated by committee members on the basis of its suitability as a tutorial format, the past experience of the instructors, the overall relevance and balance of the tutorials, and the likely attendance of participants. Any extra information on any these aspects will be most helpful.
Once the course proposal accepted, the course organiser must advise us of room set-up and equipment needed and they should prepare a set of course notes and a time schedule with the list of topics and speakers in chronological order.
Important Notes
The dates of all the conference deadlines are available @ Important Dates.
For submission of tutorials and further information, please contact: GraphicsLink Secretariat (