- Conference Proceedings publication:
Conference Publishing Services (CPS)
- Library of Congress/ISSN, ISBN, and other bibliographical registration details.
- Content will be submitted to the indexing companies for possible indexing. Indexing services are independent organizations, and we cannot guarantee that any particular abstract or index entry will be included in Ei Compendex or any other indexing service.
- IV – past conference proceedings are now available from IEEE Xplore:
2. Edited books based on selected papers after the conference:
- Artificial Intelligence and Visualization: Advancing Visual Knowledge Discovery: Current Status and Analysis
- Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Visualization for Visual Knowledge Discovery
- Information Visualisation: Techniques, Usability and Evaluation
Further Edited book editions based on extended selected papers are planned.
3. An extended version of the best and most relevant papers on Information Visualisation will be invited to be published in the Information Visualization Journal (https://journals.sagepub.com/home/ivi) in a special issue.
Information Visualization Journal – https://journals.sagepub.com/home/ivi
4. E-Abstract: The Book of Abstract to be published by Graphicslink_Research