
Promotion, Exhibition & Demonstration

The upcoming IV conference is set to cast a vibrant spotlight on the dynamic intersection of interdisciplinary methodologies and collaborative research spanning the diverse realms of science, medicine, engineering, media, and commerce. Over the course of three exhilarating days, this event will immerse participants in the kaleidoscope of groundbreaking research and innovative developments crafted to satiate the voracious appetite for “Information Transfer” in our contemporary world. Steered by the power of computing, the conference will intricately weave together the fabric of academia and industry, amplifying the interconnected tapestry that shapes our intellectual landscape. With an overarching mission to ignite perspectives and foster intellectual dialogue, the conference will serve as a pulsating forum where visionaries, researchers, and practitioners converge to delve into the cutting-edge realms of Information Visualisation, Visual Knowledge Discovery driven by Artificial Intelligence, and the transformative field of Visual Analytics.

IV cordially invites commercial organizations to showcase and demonstrate their relevant hardware and software products at our upcoming conference exhibition. This event promises substantial advantages for researchers, engineers, program managers, and marketing professionals seeking insights into the latest developments in the dynamic realm of computing, with a particular focus on Information Visualization, knowledge Visualisation, Artificial Intelligence, and Visual Analytics. We extend opportunities for promotion through various channels, including:

  1. Inclusion of promotional literature in delegate packs
  2. Setup of promotional conference stands for display or demonstration
  3. Vendor-led demonstrations and product video sessions
  4. Advertisement placement in the conference literature (e.g., program booklet and The Book of Abstracts)

We also welcome proposals for alternative forms of promotion, with due consideration for innovative approaches. Join us in contributing to the collaborative exchange of knowledge and advancements in the field.

Fee and Deadlines

The promotional opportunities are invited in terms of:

  1. Inclusion of publicity literature for the delegate packs.
  2. The promotional insert in the delegate pack costs 500 Euros. The deadline for all the materials is 5:00 PM on 20/June/2025.
  3. Promotional conference stands to display published material. Publisher stands to exhibit is available at (1.5mx2m) and costs 500 Euro for four days. This price covers the inclusion of publicity literature in the delegates’ pack. The deadline for all the materials is 5:00 PM on 20/June/2025 (or you could bring the material for set-up yourself directly).
  4. Inclusion of advertisement in the conference literature (E.g., The Book of Abstracts) In addition to the publication of Proceedings, we publish The Book of Abstracts – This includes the conference program guide including the abstracts of accepted papers and the proceedings from Digital Art Gallery – advertisement in this book is possible. The one-page colour advert costs 500 Euro. Deadline: To insert an advert in The Book of Abstract is at 5:00 PM on 30/June/2025.
  5. Place your logo on the cover of the delegate pack at the cost of 1000 EURO. Deadline: To include your logo on the cover of the delegate pack is 5:00 PM on 20/May/2025.
  6. Place your logo on the name tags for delegates at the cost of 1000 EURO. Deadline: To include your logo on the name tags for representatives is 5:00 PM on 20/June/2025.
  7. Publishers Focus Group – An opportunity to meet invited delegates interested in the education and publication of  Visualisation Knowledge Discovery and Visual Analytics, discuss the trend in future publication in the field, and meet potential writers. Deadline: To register your interest is 5:00 PM on 10/May/2025.
  8. Industries and Research Focus Group – An opportunity to meet invited delegates interested in the research and development of Information Visualisation, AI&Analytics, and Applications and discuss the trend of future data-informed and related products in the field and meet potential contributors. The deadline to register your interest is 5:00 PM on 12/June/2025.
  9. Vendor demonstration/product video session – An opportunity to promote products in the way of a demonstration or video presentation session for a 1-hour session is at the cost of 500 Euro. Deadline: Book your demonstration session before 5:00 PM on 12/June/2025.
  10. Other forms of promotion proposals will be considered.

Please also note that we expected over 150 delegates from 30+ countries.
All other inquiries should be addressed to GraphicsLink Secretariat (