Nuno Datia – Information Visualisation 23 International Conference Information Visualisation Fri, 14 Jun 2019 12:52:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nuno Datia – Information Visualisation 32 32 MedVis Mon, 10 Jun 2019 10:46:15 +0000 Session iV2019_2.4: Medical Visualisation, Room TBA
(18/07/2019, 13:30-14:00)

Chair: TBA

“ Title To be confirmed ”
Saulo Martelli, University of Melbourne, AU

CGIV Mon, 10 Jun 2019 10:32:38 +0000 Read More]]> Session iV2019_1.5: Computer Graphics, Imaging & Visualization, Room TBA
(17/07/2019, 13:30-14:45)

Chair: TBA

  1. Hybrid polygon-point rendering of singular and non-manifold implicit surfaces
    Dirk Harbinson, Ron Balsys, Kevin Suffern
    Keywords: singular and/or non-manifold surfaces, hybrid points/polygonisation, spatial subdivision, interval arithmetic, GPU rendering
  2. Volume Completion for Trimmed B-reps
    Yang Song, Elaine Cohen
    Keywords: Trimmed B-reps, Volume Completion, Semi-structured Trivariate, Hybrid Representation
  3. Extended Analysis of Dynamic Parameters on Cubic Trigonometric Bezier Transtion Curves
    Md Yushalify Misro, Ahmad Ramli, Jamaludin Md Ali
    Keywords: dynamic parameters, trigonometric Bezier, S-shaped curves, C-shaped curves, transition curves
  4. Parietal Bone Fracture Reconstruction Using Bezier-Like Function
    Abdul Majeed, Abd Rahni Mt Piah
    Keywords: CT scan DICOM data, Boundary extraction, Bezier like functions, Genetic
    algorithm, Craniofacial reconstruction.
  5. Spline Functions and Genetic Algorithm for Reverse Engineering of Symmetric 3D Models
    Malik Zawwar Hussain, Maryam Khalid Khalid, Misbah Irshad, Muhammad Sarfraz
    Keywords: Reverse engineering; symmetric 3D models; genetic algorithm; cubic spline function; curve fitting.
  6. Cubic B-Spline curve interpolation with arbitrary derivatives on its data points
    Muhammmad Ammad, Ahmad Ramli
    Keywords: B-Spline parameterization; Data Interpolation
Doctoral Research Workshop Wed, 29 May 2019 22:43:13 +0000 Read More]]> room TBA

  • 9.30 Opening & Welcome from discussion Panel members
  • 9:40 Research & Impact
  • 10:00 Group Discussion
  • 11:30 Break
  • 11:45 Examples of Research Impact & Its Metrics
  • 12:30 Discussion & Group Work
  • 13:00 End of Morning Session

room TBA

  • 14.00 Designing Research Impact Make Impact a key section of your Research
  • 15:00 Discussion & Group Work
  • 15:30 Break
  • 16:00 Set impact goals for a specific research project and devise strategies to achieve these
  • 16:30 Discussion & Group Work
  • 17:00 Close
DHKV Wed, 29 May 2019 21:24:28 +0000 Read More]]> Session iV2019_1.6: Digital Humanities Knowledge Visualisation, Room TBA
(17/07/2019, 15:00-16:00)

Chair: TBA

“ Title To be confirmed ”
Prof. Julie Holledge & Mr Kastanis, Flinder University, AU

Session iV2019_2.1: Digital Humanities Knowledge Visualisation, Room TBA
(18/07/2019, 09:030-10:45)

Chair: TBA

“ Title To be confirmed ”
Lazaros Kastanis with Prof. Julie Holledge, Flinder University, AU

Registration Tue, 21 May 2019 23:02:33 +0000 Available at the Foyer, Level 1

Lunch Break Tue, 21 May 2019 22:54:16 +0000 Available at the Foyer, Level 1

VA Thu, 02 May 2019 22:32:59 +0000 Read More]]> Session iV2019_2.3: Visual Analytics, Room TBA
(18/07/2019, 11:00-12:15)

Chair: TBA

  1. Glossopticon: Visualising Archival Data
    Andrew Burrell 1, Rachel Hendery 2, Nick Thieberger 3
    1University of technology Sydney; 2Western Sydney University; 3University of Melbourne;
    Keywords: Virtual reality, information visualisation, linguistic data, archives, research through design
  2. Virtual Reality for Maritime Archaeology in 2.5D: A virtual dive on a flute wreck of 1659 in Iceland
    John McCarthy, Kevin Martin
    Keywords: Iceland, 3D reconstruction, Shipwrecks, Virtual Reality, Maritime Archaeology
  3. Re-Purposing Laneway Spaces and Designing for Community Interaction through Augmented Reality
    Emil Eugen Jonescu, Ahmed Hammad Hammad, Khoa Do, Eric Choh
    Keywords: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Urban Design, Infrastructure, Architecture
  4. A Heatmap-based Visualization Technique for Finding Operational Problems
    Sayaka Yagi, Kimio Tsuchikawa, Kohji Tsuj
    Keywords: business analysis, heatmap, operational log, business process, process mining
  5. Visual (dis)Confirmation: Validating Models and Hypotheses with Visualizations
    In Kwon Choi, Nirmal Kumar Raveendranath, Jared Westerfield, Khairi Reda
    Keywords: Visual analytics, hypothesis-driven reasoning, sensemaking
  6. Visual Analysis Scenarios for Oceanographic Buoy Data
    Walbert Cunha Monteiro, Marcela Cunha Monteiro, Brunelli Pinto Miranda, Nelson Curz Sampaio Neto, Bianchi Serique Meiguins, Carlos Gustavo Resque dos Santos
    Keywords: Information Visualization, Visual Analysis of Oceanographic Buoy Data, Temporal Correlation
  7. If You Could Believe Your Eyes: Images and Fake News
    Mark W. McK. Bannatyne, Clinton T. Koch, Agnieszka K. Piekarzewska
    Keywords: manipulation; images; fake; news; Photoshop; raster; newspaper; internet;television
Social Thu, 02 May 2019 22:28:14 +0000 Read More]]> Visualisation Social Networking Event:  17/07/2019, 19:00 – 20:00
Description: Bus Trip to Warrawong Wildlife Sanctuary, followed by Cocktail Party
Conference Dinner:  Windy Point Restaurant, 18/07/2019, 18:30 – 21:00
Description: Conference Dinner plus Best Paper Awards

Delegates Social Networking Event:  19/07/2019, 9:30 – 21:00

Description: Tour of the famous Barossa Wineries includes lunch at ‘The Eatery’ Maggie Beers’ restaurant

HCI-IV Thu, 02 May 2019 22:24:25 +0000 Read More]]> Session iV2019_1.3: Human-Computer Interaction for Information Visualization, Room TBA
(17/07/2019, 11:00-12:15)

Chair: TBA

  1. The Structural Equation Model Diagram as a Visualisation Tool for Testing Multivariate Psychology Data
    Theodor Wyeld 1, Minoru Nakayama 2
    1 Flinders University, Australia; 2 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
    Keywords: SEM, visualisation, multivariate analysis, open data
  2. Universal Design Guidelines for Integrating Mixed Reality and Internet of Things as an AssistiveTechnology for Elderly People
    Ryan Anthony Jalova de Belen 1, Tomasz Bednarz 1,2
    1 University of New South Wales, Australia; 2 CSIRO Data61
    Keywords: assistive technology, elderly people, interaction design, human-centred design,mixed reality
  3. Sharing Emotion by Displaying a Partner Near the Gaze Point in a Telepresence System
    Seungwon Kim 1,2, Mark Billinghurst 1, Gun Lee 1, Mitchell Norman 1, Weidong Huang 2
    1 University of South Australia; 2 Swinburne University of Technology
    Keywords: Sharing emotion, Gaze interaction, Teleconference system.
  4. Using XR to Support Collaborative Learning in Health
    Dilanka Abeysinghe, Caslon Chua, Weidong Huang
    Keywords: Extended Reality, Collaborative Learning Systems
  5. Sens-e-motion: Capturing and Visualising Emotional Status of Computer Users in Real Time
    Weidong Huang, Prem Prakash Jayaraman, Ahsan Morshed, Shaun Blackburn,
    Cameron Redpath, Thomas Guerney, Ahmed Hussnain SHAHID, HOI Mui
    Keywords: visualisation, emotion, eye tracking, sentiment analysis
Break Thu, 02 May 2019 22:21:05 +0000 Available at the Foyer, Level 1
