International Symposium Sustaining Built Heritage
The conference will include sessions structured to provide a range of paper, poster, and panel discussion events. Papers are invited that present original research under the overall conference theme of Visualization Sustainable Built Heritage.
Big Data Challenges Built Heritage
- Data Science solution to sustaining and preserving Local Heritage
- Appropriate real-time/rich datasets, analysing the conjunction of occupied built heritage and its condition with occupant incomes and well-being, including Remote Sensed / Crowd-Sourced / IOT Datasets
- Role of Data Science in Conservation Measures
- Mapping and Analysing indices of multiple deprivations against Sustainable Built Heritage and Identifying appropriate Climate Change mitigation and adaptation measures, including Renewable Energy, to inform and engage key decision-makers and funders
- The Internet of Things / Internet of Sensors and its implications for data collection. Reducing the cost of sensors and data capture devices, emerging standards, security, and privacy risks. Open data and crowd-sourced datasets
- Filling in gaps in data, crowdsourcing, and information collection via data collection portal. Other resources, e.g., advertisements for property rentals, input into the analysis of affordability and income, and value for landlords and management to justify refurbishment, adaptation
Remotes Sensing for Built Heritage
- Available and imminent Remote Sensed (e.g., Copernicus Sentinel Satellite) Datasets and information that can be processed from these, e.g., Climate Change impacts and Building Heights via InSAR. Processing challenges. Open source, open standard solutions.
Renewable Energy, resources, and challenges
- Sustainable retrofit and refurbishment approaches. UK Heritage Energy Efficiency analysis and its applicability to Egypt
- Application of IoT applications to Occupied Built Heritage and Sustainability Mitigation
- Development of a data collection portal for general & specific sites for input by the public, experts, and other stakeholders
- Plans to use OPEN DATA and Big Data tools to analyse factors affecting the sustainability of the Heritage sites. A new opening for multidisciplinary collaboration
Please check the submission procedures @ the submission page.
General enquiries and submissions should be addressed to the Conference Coordinator.
Symposium-Specific enquiries should be addressed to:
Gehan Nagy (Prof.); British University of Egypt, Cairo, Egypt; gehan.nagy (@)
Ebad Banissi (Dr, Em Prof.), LSBU, UK. banissi (@)
John Counsell, independent consultant, UK; john.counsell (@)