The symposium aims to bring together researchers and developers from academia and industry working in all Visualization & AI-enabled Visualization areas, with a special focus on science, engineering, art, and visualization applications.
The symposium seeks original research, application, and review papers projects that deal with, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- Visualization of large and complex datasets
- Visualization of large and complex datasets
- Visualization applied to data mining and information retrieval and analysis
- AI and ML techniques for data visualization
- Multispectral data fusion
- Visualization and high-performance computing
- Collaborative and web-based visualization
- Color models and imaging
- Human-computer interface
- System issues (graphics, visualization, virtual reality)
- Software design and development
- Sonification and haptics
- Elevate visual data storytelling and accelerate the path to decision-making
- Enhancement of data visualization techniques to the next level with AI, and ML
- Limitations of AI and ML within data visualization
Supporting Bodies:
Institute for Visualization and Perception Research And Graphics Research Laboratory, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
Related one-day course: Visual data mining, information retrieval, extraction, and analysis
Please check the submission procedures @ the submission page.
General enquiries and submissions should be addressed to the Conference Coordinator.
Symposium-specific enquiries should be addressed to:
Prof (Emeritus) Haim Levkowitz, Ph. D.
Richard A. Miner School of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Massachusetts Lowel
haim.levkowitz.emeritus.cs.uml (AT)>
Dr. Catarina Maçãs
Department of Informatics Engineering
the University of Coimbra, Portugal
Email: cmacas (AT)