About IV Conference

Our Mission

The International Conference on Information Visualisation-(IV) is a unique platform that brings together academia, industry researchers, and societal agencies. It offers a space to share practical solutions for multidisciplinary applications with societal impacts. Beyond the research forum, it hosts the Doctoral Research Programme for PhD training and a researchers link session for collaborative research project design, providing unparalleled opportunities for learning and collaboration.
The conference theme covers Information Visualization, Visual Analytics, and AI-centred Visual Knowledge Discovery. Its structure adapts to the subject’s evolving and developments. The focus is on applying these fields that have a societal impact, such as Knowledge Visualization, Learning Analytics, and Digital Humanities Knowledge Visualization.


IV conference is one of the longest-running conferences on information visualization, which started in 1997 – The first of such events in Europe. IV – past conference proceedings are now available from IEEE Xplore: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/1000370/all-proceedings
Annual IV Information Visualisation Forum has evolved over the last quarter century history with a thorough global reach with proactive multidisciplinary reach out, bringing disciplines together:
1997 ~ Information Visualisation Forum started in London
1998 ~ Digital Art Gallery -> Online
1999 ~ computer animation Show
2004 ~ 2014 CGiV / IV in Asia & South Pacific – Malaysia (2), China(2), Thailand, Australia(2), Taiwan, Macau and Singapore(2)
2004 ~ Geometric Modelling & Imaging
2005 ~ 2011 BuiltViz, MediViz, Vis
2006 ~ MediVis
2008 ~ 2012 Doctoral Research Workshop
1997 ~ London(15), France (2), Zurich, Barcelona (2)
2012 ~ LIRMM CNRS Univ. Montpellier II ● Montpellier ● France
2013 ~ University of London ● London ● UK
2014 ~ L’Université Paris Descartes ● Paris ● France
2015 ~ The University of Barcelona ● Barcelona ● Spain ●
2016 ~ Universidade NOVA de Lisboa ● Lisbon ● Portugal ●
2017 ~ London South Bank University ● London ● UK
2018 ~ University of Salerno ● Salerno ● Italy ●
2019 ~ PART I University of Paris 13 ● Paris ● France ●
2019 ~ PART II Flinders University ● Adelaide ● Australia ●
2020 ~ ONLINE Victoria University ● Melbourne ● Australia ●
2021 ~ ONLINE @ UTS ● Sydney ●
2022 ~ Hybrid @ TUW ● Austria
2023 ~ Hybrid @ Tampere University ● Finland
2024 ~ Coimbra University ● Coimbra ● Portugal

Why Attend?

IV is the top academic international conference for discussing Visualisation, Information, knowledge, Visual Analytics, and Knowledge Discovery and enabling underlying technologies, Data Science, machine and deep learning, AI, and generative AI, With applications-focused Knowledge Visualisation and discovery, Big Data, social, and business analytics, Visual Computing, Visualization and Artificial Intelligence for Medicine, Healthcare and Social Good, Built Environment and Built Heritage and Art and humanity.
Delegates from 30+ countries and more than 150+ universities and institutions attend annually.
For our Doctoral Workshop, the researchers will present their research work, receive feedback, and share their experiences with peer groups.
Under the Researcher Links scheme, the IV-forum and hessian.ai will hold a workshop on the central theme of AI/Visualisation for accelerating the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals (https://sdgs.un.org/goals). This event is a unique opportunity for researchers to contribute to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals through state-of-the-art technology. The workshop is being coordinated globally by the researchers and will have contributions from other leading researchers. We are now inviting Career Researchers from around the world to apply to attend this workshop. The workshop aims to design a series of research proposals suitable for funding during the conference. The collaborator will follow up on research development following the workshop. More information from the site: hessian.ai visualization and collaboration forum

Who is in the Audience?

IV brings together professionals from the private sector, academia, government, civil society, development practitioners, students, and faculty from the world’s top universities. We welcome participants from academia and industries with a range of experience levels.

About the Organisers

IV-Forum is organized by over fifty researchers globally who advise and support the theme development and symposium-structured organization. Such an organization helps ensure the conference theme is at the forefront of subject evaluation.